06-345 5002

Devine house clearing smoke Wand


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This wand has been dried and bundled to help you clear your home from everything that does not serve your highest self, as well as bring clarity and loving vibrations into your home so you can relax and fully align with your true purpose.
This wand is for you if you are experiencing a lull of energy, regular uncomfortable dreams, and general depression like feelings. This wand can be a tool to shift the energy and to give you an opportunity to be mindful of your own energy and space. This reiki infused wand is lovingly bundled with rosemary, cedar, whitesage, lavender, and seasonal flowers. *The Cedar offers, protection, calm, grounding, and welcoming of good vibrations. Cedar has been used in the smudging practice for many years, it’s renowned as a beautiful way to reconnect with nature and understanding of the cosmos.
*White sage the most effective clearing herb offers a deep clean leaving you feeling uplifted and shifting your point of you to a more colorful outlook on life. *Rosemary with its many healing properties allows you to clear your mind, connect with your spirit team and protect your energy *Lavender most famously known as a relaxant also helps you attract the energy you desire and ground yourself. All these herbs put together will provide you with the opportunity to reset and renew your homes energy, therefore giving you the opportunity to shift towards your true self. This wand should clear your home (depending on how long your allow it to smoke for) at least four times, it would clear our home six times. The wand comes with step by step instructions if smudging is something new and a bit daunting for you xxx We also offer a custom wand making service if these herbs don’t meet your requirements