06-345 5002

Medicine Drum Workshop

Medicine Drum Workshop with Hayden from Universal Drums.
Involved within this workshop includes making your very own medicine drum and beater. I will share my wisdom through my guidance for you all and share the 6year journey which has lead me to where I am today. Intentions will be set so we are able to create a sacred space where we are able to include our love and intentions into our own drums. Doing so we will be able to honor and connect with the deer and tree energy throughout the day.
when we have finished creating our drum we will smudge our drums and do a drum connection meditation.
Saturday 29th June 9am – 5pm  Drum size 40cm or 45cm
Energy exchange $500
$100 non refundable deposit to secure your spot
Limited 6 People.

Mindful Minis ( School Holiday Program)

Ashley and Natasha will be facilitating this program for school-aged children to practice mindful meditation and experience other cool mindfulness practices. We will grow our own crystals with intent, share our favorite crystals, do some art, and learn some mindfulness meditation skills.
Tuesday and Thursday 9th, 11th, 16th and 18th July 3-4 pm
No Charge, but a Koha is appreciated

To see what workshops are available now

To register your interest in a workshop call 063455002